$85.00 per day with minimum criteria met
  • $100 per day with a four-year degree
  • $125 per day with a valid teaching license REPORTS TO: School principal (substitute teachers will be contacted by the building principal or his/her designee only. JOB GOAL: To help students learn subject matter and skills that will contribute to their development as mature, able, and responsible students in the absence of the teacher. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: Guides the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals and, in harmony with the goals, establishes clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects, and to communicate the objectives to students, as adopted by the local and state Board of Education. Reports to the building principal or school secretary upon arrival at the school. Maintains as fully as possible the established routines and procedures of the school and classroom to which assigned. Teachers lesson plan as outlined by the absent teacher. Performs all extra duties for the absent teacher as required by the building principal. Meets and instructs assigned classes in the locations and at the times designated. Plans a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the individual needs, interests, and abilities of the students. Creates a classroom environment conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of the students. Prepares for classes assigned and shows written evidence of preparation upon request of immediate superior. Takes all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities. Maintains accurate, complete, and correct records as required by law, district policy, and administrative regulation, pertaining to teacher and students. Assists the administration in implementing all policies and rules governing student life and conduct, and for the classroom, develops reasonable rules of classroom behavior and procedure, and maintains order in the classroom in a fair and just manner. Makes provisions to be available to students and parents for educational related purposes outside the instructional day when required or requested to do so under reasonable terms. Continuously strives to improve professional competence and collaboration with colleagues and communities. Attends staff meetings, serves on staff committees, and performs duties as assigned by the principal, School Board Policies, or Superintendent. Promotes public relations for the school’s programs and activities. Becomes acquainted with parents; reports any unusual occurrence or event to the principal or the designated representative immediately. Remains at school during the entire school day unless excused by the principal or the designated representative. Implements all rules and regulations, policies and administrative guidelines as adopted by the State and Local School Board of Education. Maintains a professional appearance as an example for students. Demonstrates knowledge and incorporates technology in daily tasks, as required. Maintains regular attendance and punctuality. Adheres to the professional code of conduct adopted by Mississippi Department of Education. Performs other duties consistent with the position as may be requested by the Principal or Superintendent. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Substitute Teacher: As needed/called by the district. The salary will be determined by the North Panola School Board upon recommendation by the superintendent. Background check required. " />
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    Monday, April 1, 2024 12:00 AM
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    Substitute Teacher Application
    Job Description
    Primary Location District Wide
    Salary Range Substitute
    Shift Type Full-Time
    Job Contact Information
    Name Dr. Wilner Bolden III
    Title Deputy Superintendent
    Email wbolden@northpanolaschools.org