

Job Summary:


Assists certified classroom teacher with managing the total instructional program; assists the teacher to ensure that planning, instruction, curriculum, and assessment are aligned to meet the needs of students both collectively and individually, and assists teacher to ensure student academic achievement and growth. 


Performance Responsibilities:


  1. Assisting with personal care: grooming, dressing, toileting, and exercise.
  2. Basic food preparation: preparing meals, and other errands
  3. General health care: overseeing medication and prescription usage, and administering medicine
  4. Mobility assistance: help with getting in and out of a wheelchair, car, or bus
  5. Personal supervision: providing constant companionship and general supervision
  6. Transportation: help getting in and out of wheelchair-accessible vehicle
  7. Emotional support: being a stable companion and supporter in all matters, academic, personal , health-related, and emotional
  8. Care for the designated student(s)
  9. Back-up care services: providing other caregivers a break
  10. School organization: help with organizing, packing homework
  11. Health monitoring: following a care plan and noticing any changes in the individual's health, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), recording and reporting any differences
  12. Assist teachers in performing specific duties as assigned or undertaking specialized tasks to achieve and enhance instructional and behavioral objectives
  13. Assist with behavior modifications
  14. Lift, move, and operate adaptive equipment
  15. Assist students with personal care tasks, including but not limited to, lavatory, clothing, diapering, toileting, and hygiene routines
  16. Monitor students during assigned period with a variety of school environment for the purpose of maintaining a safe and positive learning environment
  17. Perform other duties as assigned by the Superintendent or designee.



Shall be recommended by the principal, the superintendent, and appointed by the board. 


Reports To:


Teacher, Principal, & Assistant Principal


Terms of Employment:


Work agreement and dates to be established by the Board of Education




Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel.